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曹东义 发表于:2020-8-3 09:40:37 复制链接 发表新帖
本帖最后由 燕赵中医 于 2020-8-7 16:36 编辑 " L4 `$ j- l2 u9 P. o8 Z1 J+ h
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我想借此机会感谢我的同事Elena Altieri,她在一年前提出了这个想法,并为此付出了努力。

- g7 a7 k7 N- e- e  x9 f6 f8 D

6 o4 r0 Z9 @. P( E: H  F, o6 D
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5 C1 `( T; p; G% o. p

! x* g; E( Z- {0 j; `1 z4 u
Good morning, good afternoon and good evening.
I’d like to start by wishing all Muslims Eid Mubarak al-Adha.
1 T6 l9 q6 [/ n1 S- x; k/ MAnd I’d like to congratulate the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the steps it has put in place to make the Hajj as safe as possible this year.
9 F. \+ }# y' J1 \7 _8 a7 A0 vThis is a powerful demonstration of the kinds of measures that countries can and must take to adapt to the new normal.
" J/ j9 s; x# L3 bIt’s not easy, but it can be done. The pandemic does not mean life has to stop.
" N; t% {2 C5 B5 wWe must all learn to live with the virus, and to take the steps necessary to live our lives, while protecting ourselves and others – especially those at highest risk of COVID-19.. W& Z$ x2 X$ ^, c) c8 V( O) t
As you know, one of those groups is older people, especially those living in long-term care facilities.
( ~+ Q1 b  j4 T( q( aIn many countries, more than 40% of COVID-19-related deaths have been linked to long-term care facilities, and up to 80% in some high-income countries.* H) i% {2 o3 {% t$ Z) V. M; W
Recognizing the critical nature of this issue, WHO has released a policy brief on preventing and managing COVID-19 in long-term care facilities.7 j( H4 z: ^2 W5 {
The brief lists key actions that must be taken by policy-makers and national and local authorities to protect older people. These range from integrating long-term care in the national response, to mobilizing adequate funding, to ensuring strong infection prevention and control, to providing support for family and voluntary caregivers – and much more.
! f) L6 R1 G- y$ M$ V2 SFor each policy objective, the document lists actions that long-term care facilities can take, and gives real-world examples of actions countries have taken in each area. ) s* o3 s1 _2 ^
The brief also suggests ways to transform long-term care services so that older people can receive quality care that respects their rights, freedoms and dignity.
! W1 c$ h, I0 G9 L; }I especially want to acknowledge those who work in long-term care facilities all over the world, who are doing heroic work to save lives and protect those in their care. I salute you.) t/ U0 a! W* {3 G7 W. R( k
===. R: d4 P3 u4 _3 Z: K% E( D
Although older people are at a higher risk of severe disease, younger people are at risk too. One of the challenges we face is convincing younger people of this risk.# g3 c+ X, H+ r/ K
Evidence suggests that spikes of cases in some countries are being driven in part by younger people letting down their guard during the northern hemisphere summer.1 K* s7 m0 q4 j1 ~$ t+ ~
We have said it before and we’ll say it again: young people are not invincible.
; p% V8 a/ R$ M9 }8 M  QYoung people can be infected; young people can die; and young people can transmit the virus to others.' J" J4 s! @: w% S* ]
That’s why young people must take the same precautions to protect themselves and protect others as everyone else. They can be leaders – they should be leaders and drivers of change.
7 d4 [  k6 Y& s8 n7 j1 i$ _===! y# V" n% q  {' i
All of us have a role to play in reducing our risk of exposure to COVID-19.
0 }: b* H* w- x$ ]. Y  pEvery day, we all make decisions that affect our health and the health of those around us, in many ways.! @5 I8 K3 S- K- R8 ?
Reliable information is extremely important in enabling people to make the right decisions for their health.3 V1 u, X$ y) z* B+ i, Y
We have all seen the harm done by misinformation.
/ a" r, A4 q& g0 e3 ?0 Q' V- S( nBut information alone is not enough.% K' O, s1 F" J! }( d1 o
People make decisions based on a wide range of factors to do with their culture, beliefs, values, economic circumstances and more.7 n" e; B- z$ L- S; Z
They make decisions under unprecedented financial and social pressure, high levels of anxiety and with ill-equipped health systems.* H/ d4 x6 j% ~
Countries have been asking their citizens to understand their risk; to adapt; to engage; to give up to things they value and that define them.$ |: X' T2 Y2 }: Q9 z, c, c
In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, countries are using a range of tools to influence behaviour: information campaigns are one tool, but so are laws, regulations, guidelines and even fines.
- f8 I& K# T. ]9 }* j' WWe are learning what works, and what doesn’t.- ^3 K+ W* V( r, }: p9 N* b
That’s why behavioural science is so important – it helps us to understand how people make decisions, so we can support them to make the best decisions for their health.3 K% {+ F  R5 s0 t6 x
Today I’m proud to announce that WHO has created a Technical Advisory Group on Behavioural Insights and Sciences for Health.
& i: |) c: q! }3 I$ r. s+ nThis broadens and deepens WHO’s existing work on behavioural science, and will support our work to offer health advice that is not only stronger, but more effective.
$ Q  U) F' X4 B& a$ `3 l# hThe technical advisory group consists of 22 outside experts from 16 countries, with expertise in areas including psychology, anthropology, health promotion, neuroscience, behavioural economics, social marketing and more.! t+ r- C; c" t8 T. K
This new group will advise WHO on how to increase and improve the use of behavioral and social sciences in a range of health areas, including COVID-19.% e% E3 Q' d% ^/ @
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank my colleague Elena Altieri, who proposed this idea a year ago and has worked hard to make it happen.
. D  h5 ?; O' x$ XToday I’m delighted to be joined by the chair of the technical advisory group, Professor Cass Sunstein.5 U' q$ `. |! u; N3 v1 T
Professor Sunstein is the Robert Walmsley Professor at Harvard University, and the founder and director of the Program on Behavioral Economics and Public Policy at Harvard Law School.9 l  |' S# ]  z8 y3 @7 Y  V
Professor Sunstein, welcome. You have the floor. Thank you for your commitment, and thank your for joining, and thank you for this pathfinding work that will help WHO.
& R) u5 v; F/ ~  [- r" w


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